After Effects is a 2.5D digital software developed by Adobe Systems for animation, visual effects, motion graphics, and the process of post-production of film making, TV production, and video games. Although this software is much preferred by digital graphic users, After Effects is still plagued by several issues. For instance, spending hours to solve the amtlib.dll missing error in your Adobe can be a frustrating waste of time. To save you the anxiety, here are the three common After Effects problems and some ways to fix them.

Missing Documents

Missing documents or files is the most common error message in After Effects. Fortunately, this is a very simple problem with a very simple solution. If the documents imported into the project have moved to a different location on the PC or the working document has been transferred, After Effects often lose track of where they are. To relocate your documents, go to the Project Tab and search the term “Missing”. This will display all currently missing files, indicated by a thumbnail in TV colors. Click on each document and select Replace Footage > Document. Select the file from the location and it will be immediately reinserted into the organization. Repeat this process for each file. If you have multiple missing documents in the same location, you may only need to replace a few of them. The rest will be updated automatically once After consequences know the new location. To prevent losing your documents or files, you can save your project as a folder that includes all necessary files with the project file.

Output Module Error

Before delving into this fairly common problem, it’s helpful to understand how many types of media files work. Video and audio files can be exported and run in a variety of document types, also known as Containers, Wrappers, or Formats. Some examples of videos you may be familiar with are the .AVI, .MOV, and. WMV, while some examples of audio are .MP3, WAV and. AIFF. Each of these formats can be exported with many different codecs. Some codecs optimize quality, while others are designed for fast export or easy playback. Although h.264 remains one of the most popular codecs for exporting due to its balance of speed and quality, the “Output Module Failed” error can often occur in After Effects, especially when using a QuickTime format. Unfortunately, this error has many possible causes. In a best-case scenario, you can export with the Adobe Media Encoder instead of using After Effects Render Queue. Adobe Media Encoder is much more reliable and also offers a much better workflow. 

RAM Preview

This annoying RAM preview error went viral in 2013, in part because it plagued so many users. While Adobe is aware of the error, it has not yet been completely fixed, and it occurs frequently for a variety of reasons. Currently, the most common cause of this error is the issue between Adobe’s Dynamic Link Manager and System Firewalls. Most other causes are patches to newer iterations of After Effects. To allow Dynamic Link Manager access through your Firewall (Mac), navigate to the folder “/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/” and click “File > Get Info.” Make sure the lock icon is not turned on, and enter your administrator account and password if necessary. Below, click on the small settings icon and then select “Apply to enclosed items” Lock the folder again and you’re done. For your Firewall (PC), navigate to the folder “C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\” and right-click it to access its “Properties” menu. Select the “Security” tab and allow your current user “Full Control” of the folder. Click OK and you’re good to go.

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